Who Is ARR | Meet Renee Mocha

We are kicking off a new series to introduce our hard-working Directors, Trail Stewards, Ride Leaders, and volunteers. First up is our Secretary Renee Mocha!

Renee Mocha started mountain biking in 2017. Her go to ride spots are at Brushy Creek or Walnut Park, but she loves exploring new trails and is always down for a road trip. She began volunteering as a Ride Like A Girl leader and as the Austin Ridge Riders Secretary in 2021. She loves to help people improve their bike skills and hopes you’ll join the Club for a group ride!

How long have you been riding?

I have been riding for 6 years now.

What do you ride?

Giant Reign FSR 29er

What is your favorite local trail or riding area?

My favorites are Brushy, Walnut, and Suburban ninja

What do you do with Austin Ridge Riders?

I am the Secretary for ARR, and ride leader for Sunday and Monthly rides, Ride Like a Girl, and fundamentals skills coach for clinics. I am a certified BICP Level 1 Skills Coach!

What do you enjoy the most about what you do?

I love riding with people who also love to ride, bringing people together to have fun, and improving my skills and other people's skills!

Why do you support Austin Ridge Riders?

There is value and power in our collective voice, riding trails that ARR builds and maintains, being inclusive, and promoting awareness about off-road cycling.

Do you have any wishes or desires for the Central Texas region, in terms of trail projects or riding events?

Yes, my wish is to have flowy downhill trails with progressive features!


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