Who Is ARR | Meet Abel Pardo

Abel Pardo is our Ride Program Director, responsible for planning group rides and recruiting ride organizers, leaders, and sweeps.

Abel has lived in Austin since 1998 and began mountain biking when he joined ARR in 2016. Since then, he has enjoyed meeting new people and learning new trails. Though he is not much for racing, he does like to participate in endurance events. He has been riding Judgement Day in Dallas for the past couple of years, a 70-mile ride event! As a regular Sunday ride leader, he loves working with new riders and showing them new trails.

How long have you been riding?

10 years off and on, the last 8 years solid.

What do you ride?

Yeti SB130 LR

What is your favorite local trail or riding area?

Brushy Creek!

What do you do with Austin Ridge Riders?

I’ve been Ride Director since January of 2022 after getting involved as Ride Organizer for Walnut Creek Sunday rides in Oct 2021. I also lead rides for Beginners and Intermediates.

What do you enjoy the most about what you do?

I love seeing smiles on riders faces when they accomplish a feature or see a new trail for the first time.

Why do you support Austin Ridge Riders?

It’s fun being a part of Texas’ oldest MTB club, and bringing new ideas and seeing new members. I want to see more members but also want to teach better interaction with non riders on the trails.

Do you have any wishes or desires for the Central Texas region, in terms of trail projects or riding events?

I’d like to see destination trips outside the state, more clinics for bike maintenance and riding, and more gatherings in general for having fun and swapping ideas for MTB.


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